Evening Eating
Lets face it one of the most difficult meals to control is our evening meal. You're in control, everything is going fine --- until you come home starving at night and eat a large dinner, say yes to dessert---and yes to seconds…. and finish off a bag of chips before bed. WHY ?
From a metabolic standpoint, there is really no reason not to eat food in the evening. A calorie is a calorie regardless of when it is consumed..
Skipping meals and becoming overly hungry by evening can lead to nighttime binge eating. In general, people who spread their meals throughout the day seem to be better able to control their eating. So by eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner and planning snacks in between, you can help yourself lose weight as well as maintain better control of your eating throughout the day and night.
For most people, the evening is "down-time," used to relax, watch television, do bills, laundry and unwind from the stresses of the day. Whether you're winding down or checking off your to-do list---unconscious eating can accompany your routine and result in a massive calorie intake.
Devouring a bag of chips, a sleeve of cookies, or a pint of ice cream can occur when your mind is somewhere else.
You CAN control evening eating disasters. Try these tips to normalize sleeping patterns and fend off hunger:
Eat 3 meals daily and 1-2 planned snacks, keeping in mind your total calorie range.
Plan to eat about the same number of calories at each meal throughout the day. The total should be within your calorie range.
Have a low-calorie beverage -diet soda, flavored water, - in the evening.
Make a list of low-calorie snack options. Select one for the evening. Eat it, but no more.
Don't eat mindlessly! Eat all meals and snacks at the kitchen table, keeping all of your attention on the food you're enjoying. Take your time and really enjoy every bite.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly.
Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule, even on the weekend.
If you have trouble sleeping, leave the bed or room and pursue another activity like reading until you're ready to sleep.
Finish eating at least two to three hours before your regular bedtime.
Exercise regularly.
Try to Avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime.