What Our Clients Say About Our Diet Programs

Cristine Kolody
Lost 70 pounds and 103 inchesI lost 70 pounds and 103 inches in six months! Wow! I could never have imagined such possibilities, but The Diet Center kept the vision alive for me, and now I reap the benefits. Knowing that Diet Center records my Fat % and all the vital measurements, gives our family peace of mind that I've slashed Cancer risks, and we worry less about impending health care needs. Even when my orthopedic Doctor said that with my chronic posterior tibial tendonitis, I will never be able to enjoy long walks again, I made it to the bottom and back up the Muddy Falls. Even when I told myself that I would never see 135 pounds again, my journey has led me to believing in myself and my dreams once again
Diet Center gave me the strength and comprehensive tools I needed to succeed. We are now able to partake in family outings, and I have become a source of pride to my children. I feel happy, and better prepared to interact with the community. I am living proof that Diet Center's safe, personalized system, blended with coaching, education and a wholesome diet, is truly effective. The burden of bad choices has been taken away through the Affirmation tapes. Now I focus on the positive choices, and think of each day as an opportunity for success.
The Diet Center guarantees that the weight will remain stabilized for an entire year. But, I wish to subscribe to a lifetime membership to The Diet Center. I love the support they offer, and I never want to see weight loss as an issue again. Now everybody's talking…And my vision has been renewed. Thank You Diet Center!

Andrea Takahashi
Lost 71 pounds and 86 inchesI first started with Diet Center in 1998 and my weight went from 247 pounds to 150. I felt great. Then life's pressure caught up with me. My father's health was failing and I stopped going to Diet Center. My weight came back and this time I topped out at 207.
After my 50th birthday and my father's death, I found myself back to my fat self. Once again, I was huge. I couldn't keep up with my children and I was facing health problems because of my weight. My only means of support came bearing only calories. Then, I started going to Diet Center in South Everett where I met Jeanine Wagner. She was, and still is, the perfect professional cheerleader for me. She encouraged me to lose more weight than I ever thought I could.
I feel now, at 121 pounds, that I have added years to my life…healthy years. I know my children are proud of me, no longer embarrassed by their fat mom. I am now on maintenance with Jeanine and she promises me she will never let me go back to my former fat self. And I never will!

Antonella Serino
Lost 96 pounds and 79 Inches in 60 weeksI struggled with my weight my whole life. I was teased, picked on and laughed at because I was heavy. I can't begin to describe what that did to my self-esteem. The lower it would go, the more I ate.
One day a friend told me about Diet Center. I booked an appointment for a consultation but had no intention of joining. However, now, fifteen months later I am ninety-six pounds lighter! I feel great! I couldn't have achieved my goal without Diet Center. I don't consider it a diet, I consider it a way of life. They taught me how to eat properly and proportionately. I can now say "I eat to live, not live to eat."
My life has changed dramatically. People are attracted to my new energy. I was always the wallflower amongst my friends. I think, feel and act differently. I used to always say there was a thin person inside of me and setting her free has been the most rewarding experience in my life.

Lynda Carrier
Lost 53 Pounds and 49 Inches in 18 weeksSince my late teens, I always had a little extra weight. I was never able to lose any of it and the pounds just kept adding on. When my boyfriend proposed to me last summer, I decided what better time to lose weight than for my wedding! So I went to Diet Center and met Wendy who was so motivational in helping me attain my goal. I have now lost 53 pounds in 18 weeks. As the pounds were shedding, my self-esteem skyrocketed.
I am now shopping in stores I never thought I would step foot into. I feel great and am more confident about myself! I am now wearing tank tops and halter tops, which my eyes still cannot believe. Most importantly, the weight loss has allowed me to buy the wedding dress of my dreams and since we are going to Jamaica on our honeymoon, I have purchased a bikini not feeling insecure about myself for the first time in my life! Last, but not least, I feel healthier and always want to be on the go. Thank you Wendy and Diet Center!!

Stacey Medeiros
Lost 104 Pounds and 107 Inches in 33 weeksI feel I am now living a dream. It wasn't always that way. To get here many things had to happen; some in my control and others not. I had to recognize things I can control and those I can't. I got married, seven years ago. I moved from my home and family to a new life and job. 5 1/2 years I found out I was pregnant. We were overjoyed. Unfortunately there were other plans. At twenty weeks I was hospitalized. This wasn't the time to eat, nor diet. Our daughter was born at 28 weeks at 1lb 6oz. We prayed, cried and I ate. My priority was Rebecca.
I grabbed food when I had time, the wrong food. My weight climbed. I never saw it happening. I took a good look at myself. I deserved to feel good about myself as a person, professional, wife and mother. 7 1/2 months ago I saw an ad for Diet Center. I went in wanting to do something, but skeptical. I decided to do the Thermogenic Program. I met with the most caring counselor. Through her encouragement and guidance I have lost 103 pounds and 107 inches. I am now a size 8. I no longer look at food as a panacea for dealing with life's problems. I eat in order to survive. What life as in store for me, I will not use food as a crutch. Thank you Diet Center for helping me to change my life!

Melissa List
Lost 50 pounds and 66.25 inchesI have struggled with my weight most of my life. I have tried every fad diet and many diet programs, losing but then always gaining the weight back and then some. I got to my highest weight ever and my best friend asked me if I would join a weight loss program with her. We researched our options and found that Diet Center seemed to be a good fit for us. Best of all, the Diet Center Thermogenic program was very easy to follow and I would easily incorporate it into my family’s lifestyle.
Cindy and Jo have been God sends to me. They have been there for support and encouragement the entire way. The accountability that Diet Center offers was a very important part for me. I have learned how to eat sensibly, portion control and found a love of exercise again. To walk was always a chore but now I can enjoy a 10 mile hike with enthusiasm. Best of all, I have gone from a size 16 to a size 8 in 20 weeks! Now my outside matches how I feel on the inside. I feel that I have been set free from the prison of FAT.

Teresa Kaltenbach
Lost 102 pounds and 137 inches in 31 weeksBeing overweight most of my adult life has been a struggle. I've tried many diets. I would lose weight, but the real problem was keeping it off. I was embarrassed and ashamed at how much weight I had gained. I was angry with myself for reverting back to bad habits and gaining all the extra pounds. I was lacking self-confidence and was really unhappy. I took a long hard look in the mirror. I was 47 years old and it was time for me to get my weight under control and make the commitment to keep it off permanently, as heart attacks and strokes run in my family. I stopped in at my local Diet Center on July 17 and weighed in at 228 pounds. I signed up immediately for the 21-Day Thermogenic Diet. By Christmas, I had lost 65 pounds, and by March, I achieved my goal weight of 140 pounds. Since completing the stabilization and maintenance portion of this program, I've lost an additional 14 pounds for a total of 102-pound weight loss. Diet Center has taught me a new healthier, sensible and happier lifestyle. I recently attended by nephew's wedding where the compliments were abundant! My husband was so proud and beamed when everyone gushed how great I looked! I am now in a size I have not worn since my 20's. I might have never have done this without Diet Center! Though I have tried other programs, Diet Center is the best!

Sharon Brackins
Lost 51 pounds and 50.5 inchesI began my journey back to healthy living at Diet Center. I was met by a very capable woman who would become my new best friend, Lois. We talked about the different programs and settled on Thermogenics. What a life altering day!
At the time I weighed 185 pounds – more than I had ever weighed in my life. It was difficult to face the number, but I forged ahead and set my goal for 50 pounds. At 135, I would not be the skinniest I had ever been, but that would be a healthy weight. I have been blessed with good health and the only problem I was having at the time was acid reflux for which I took medication. My doctor endorsed the DC program and I began on September 5, 2007.
I embraced the whole concept of the Diet Center and have changed my eating habits over the past 6 months. I have added regular exercise to my day and feel great. An added bonus has been that I no longer have acid reflux and am on no medication. As I have lost the pounds, more folks have commented and I have been excited to tell them how I lost the 50 pounds and over 48 inches. I just recently slipped into a size 6 dress (down from a size 16!!)
My husband has been so proud of my self discipline and I have surprised even myself at my capabilities. My self esteem has soared because I don’t have to hide in my clothes anymore. I couldn’t have done it without the help of Lois and Jill. They lost every pound with me. To me that is the DC difference – that TOGETHER we can do it!

Loralee Reusch
Lost 49.5 pounds and 83.5 inchesMy name is Loralee Reusch and I am 41 years old. For the majority of my life, weight had not been a problem. I was active and able to eat whatever I wanted and stay fit. Fast forward 15 years of marriage and three children in 15 months, believe me when I say, it was not pretty. I avoided having my picture taken, was disgusted with the way I looked, I was always tired with no energy, even bringing in groceries had become a chore. I was probably the heaviest I had ever been without being pregnant.
In April of 2007, I ran into Tina DeFilippis and asked her what she had done to disappear and she told me a little about Diet Center. My husband, Eric, encouraged me to find out more information about the program and decided we would join together. We went to the Diet Center together and I didn’t believe that I would be able to lose the weight I wanted in the time frame that I was told I would. I signed on the dotted line and began my journey with Instant Shape-Up. The staff supplied me with sample recipes. I quickly became accustomed to weighing my food and started my exercise regimen in earnest. I actually looked forward to weighing in twice a week. I loved the staff was always supportive of my efforts and took the time to review my journals and let me know how I should make changes to my routine. I feel that weighing in multiple times a week helped to keep me on track. The weight came off just like I was told it would, even with multiple stays out of town and much restaurant dining. Once I reached my goal weight, I decided to go for another 10 pounds. The feedback from other people is amazing. My daughters are always commenting when they hug me that it is so much easier to get their arms around me. I am constantly being told how great I look, and I am more than happy to extol the virtues of the Diet Center program. I felt like wearing a big button that said, I have lost XX pounds, Ask me how!. I was buying clothes and they were becoming too big before I even got to wear them. My husband and I went to Puerto Rico for a quick weekend getaway in January and I purchased a bikini for the trip. I don’t think I have worn a bikini since my honeymoon in 1992!
I began stabilization on September 18th, have been on maintenance since October 30, 2007 and I am loving my new body. In addition to losing a total of 49.5 pounds and 83.5 inches, I now find it easier to go about my day. I have more energy. My workouts, although more difficult in nature, are easier to complete. As an unexpected bonus, I am finding it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. The entire family is benefitting from healthier eating habits. Although my children always ate vegetables without a fuss, there is a greater variety at our table along with more whole grains. Foods are also being prepared using healthier methods.
I can’t tell you how thankful I am for all that I have accomplished. I am happier and healthier because of Diet Center.

Lianne Pitcher
Lost 54 pounds and 72 inchesDiet Center changed my life! I have struggled with my weight for almost 30 years, fluctuating up and down from using different diet plans, never being successful in keeping the weight off. I had become resigned that I would always be an 18 plus sized woman. I am approaching 40 in a couple years and my health and body seemed to be deteriorating, so I decided that I was going to do something about it. One of my coworkers joined Diet Center and had success in losing weight and inches so I finally decided to join the program. When I came to Diet Center and met with my counselor Dawn, I found out that my major problem was having a slow metabolism rate. I learned earlier about eating good foods, but discovered I was super sizing my salads to make up for the missed meal times and not eating properly causing the weight gain. Working forty to fifty hours a week and a mother of two rambunctious boys, I found that the plan was so simple and convenient to follow. The bars on the Instant Shape Up weight loss program, made it ideal for me, ensuring that I got my meals in daily due to my hectic schedule. My local Diet Center is also located at a Gym, which ensured that I got my daily exercise in. Paired with the constant encouragement and appointments with Dawn and support from fellow gym members, I saw the 54 pounds and the 72 inches melt off my surprising small frame. I have been able to maintain the weight loss, going from a size 24 at my largest, now to a size 8/10 and will continue because this plan isn’t just a diet but a lifestyle change with I have fully embraced. For the first time ever in my life I now own a bikini. I am more confident in my life whether it relates to work, social, or family outings, and I am no longer shying away from having my photo being taken. I can only hope that my success will encourage others around me, who struggle with their weight, and know that weight loss can be achieved and it can be achieved right with Diet Center!

Sandra Franceschini
Lost 46 pounds and 48 inches in 20 weeksEverytime I looked in the mirror, I would hate the person looking back at me. I was feeling depressed and uncomfortable about my weight, I simply had to take some action. After numerous attempts at unsuccessful dieting, some family members had encouraged me to visit Diet Center. One visit was enough to convince me. I knew that this was exactly what I needed, they were the extra push I was looking for to succeed. I thought that losing weight would be the hardest hurdle I would ever have to overcome, until I met the staff at the Diet Center. Wendy and the whole team were extremely encouraging and supportive through the whole process. I owe a big part of my success to them. They were able to adapt the menus to fit my lifestyle, which made losing weight that much easier.

Kim Koski
Lost 55 pounds and 71 inches in 22 weeksAfter a summer of Pizza Hut buffets and Dairy Queen Blizzards (yes, in the same day) I found myself weighing over 200 pounds (211 to be exact). This was an all time high for me. At first, I thought the scale was wrong, then I saw the horrible truth when I saw a picture of myself from behind. I was a big tub of goo!
This picture stays with me everyday as a reminder of what poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle can lead to. I saw an ad for "get slim quick pills" and asked a friend about them. She in turn asked her mother-in-law, who owns a Diet Center about the pills. Her mother-in-law said the correct way to lose weight is with a properly balanced diet and exercise.
A combination of these two factors will enhance the metabolic process and burn fat. She was right. Six months ago I joined Diet Center and it was the best thing I ever did. I have lost 55 pounds and I am more confident in my appearance and my over health has improved as well. Before I went to Diet Center, my blood pressure was consistently 140/95. Today it is 125/70. I honestly feel I am in the best shape of my life physically as well as emotionally and I have Diet Center to thank for that! Shopping for clothes has never been more fun! Thanks Pat and thank you Diet Center!

George Smith
Lost 64.6 pounds and 78 inchesI want to thank my friends at Diet Center for helping me change my life. I was 274 pounds and unhealthy. I had shortness of breath, sweating at the littlest of tasks and fatigue. I just lost my oldest brother to a sudden heart attack and my future was looking the same.
My Counselors helped me realize my habits, being that they too were success stories at Diet Center. I picked a program that I felt could work for me. I signed up to lose 50 pounds over a six-month period. The one on one sessions allowed me to be honest about my progress without feeling that someone was listening to my conversations. I embraced the program and was energized by my weight loss by losing at a rate that exceeded my expectations.
I lost 70 pounds, without an exercise program. I allowed myself to becomes more physical with all my activities. Walking with enjoyment, doing chores around the house with a positive attitude and being active at work without the aches, pains and shortness of breath.
Thanks to all my friends at Diet Center, you helped me save myself from my eating habits. My wife thanks you she lost weight supporting me and is now a size 2 after 30 years of marriage.

Scott Baker
Lost 127 pounds and 57.5 inchesI lost over 127 pounds and 57 inches. I have tried many times to lose weight...I tried exercise, dieting, and a combination of the two. With a Diet Center program I consistently lost weight. I have much more energy, my blood pressure has fallen and I am in much better shape. I feel great. My wife loves the change, my kids love the change, and I love the change.

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(928) 753-5066
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